Integrating Healthy Aging into Public Health
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This module is designed to support public health agencies in gaining a foundation in healthy aging as a public health issue, the many roles of public health, and how to take action towards healthy aging. Public health agencies are well situated to integrate principles of healthy aging and support partners that serve older adults with population health approaches that can transform health outcomes and improve quality of life of the entire population. Learners will be able to:

  • Define healthy aging.
  • List 3 areas that S/THAs can prioritize to promote healthy aging.
  • Explain the Trust for America’s Health Age-Friendly Public Health System process.
  • Summarize the assessment process of the AARP Age-Friendly Framework and Network.
  • Describe the 4 steps in creating an effective elevator pitch.
As you proceed through each lesson, any supporting documents will be available in the right-hand 'Course Files' Navigation box. Not all lessons contain additional resources.